TDA Adult Class Series

Here at TDA we offer an Adult Class Series that allows parents, alumni, and newcomers an opportunity and space to get their bodies moving each week. Each series focus on one style per month and the fees are processed on a month to month basis. Class Fees are $40 monthly for general public, and $30 monthly for any TDA Parents that have a student currently enrolled at TDA.
Registration? There is no registration fee associated with the Adult Classes! Wahoo! If you have questions on registration please email us at and we will help you out! If you do not have a student currently enrolled at TDA, there are registration links for each series below. You will need to register for each series individually to be in multiple series. See the breakdown of Adult Series schedule below!
September – Hip Hop (Ms. Heather)
October – Tap (Ms. Hallie)
November – Hip Hop (Ms. Chania)
January – Hip Hop (Ms. Heather)
February – Lyrical (Ms. Allie)
March – Hip Hop (Heather)
April – Modern (Ms. Chania)
May – Hip Hop (Ms. Heather)
We look forward to dancing with you soon!
Adult Class Policies: Please note in order to be able to hold each session we will need at least 8 adults per session. Once enrollment gets started and we feel the need to put a cap on classes, we are going to have a maximum of 20 adults per session as well. If you are not able to come to one of classes, there will be no refund or discounts given. Again, we want this to be a fun and easy going experience, and tracking attendance/dropped classes etc. is not what we want to focus on here. We will remove charges and fix accounts to where you are only charged per month, and apply the discounts to parents of TDA Dancers as well before processing tuition on the first of the month. As there is no registration fee associated with enrollment, adults will not be receiving the T-Shirt with their registration Now, let’s show these kids what its all about!
Shoes? – As we want to keep this manageable for all levels and backgrounds, socks and or sneakers are good for all classes. We suggest sneakers for Hip Hop and Bare-feet for other classes to help ensure your safety and to help with your dance training.
If you have any questions on Adult Series enrollment, registration or anything else please do not hesitate to email us at